Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reporting Identity Theft

Reporting Identity Theft - Making a Report of the Identity Theft Crime.

Reporting Identity Theft

Identity theft is the act of stealing ones identity including the name, address telephone number, credit cards and mother maiden name.
In most cases, it is not only the identity stolen. Identity thieves also steel properties secured over the accounts of the owner. This is serious case and is recognized as a fraud.
Reporting Identity Theft. You can be a victim of this crime as there are no particular requirements for identity theft. Even small companies including college students are also victimized by this crime. However, you need to do the proper intervention once you are victimized.
It is important for you to know who stole your important personal information in your computer. You need to identify the thief who opened your new account without your permission.
It is very important for you to know the thief of your account as quickly as possible to avoid more problems to come.
Reporting Identity Theft. The law has been changed allowing anyone to review all their account or credit report annually without requiring payment for such. The law was established in year 2005. You will have a free credit report when your previous credit is denied within 60 days.
With this monthly review, you will have the chance of identifying whether there is a huge unauthorized use of your accounts. You will identify them more quickly and you will find an early intervention as well. There many small services that offers monitoring your accounts and business periodically but are affordable.
What happened if your identity has already been stolen? You may need to do a report about this matter. However, you will undergo different systematic steps before you can report this particular crime.
Police do not have an active role or cannot give the proper thing to do in an instance. You may need to do much paperwork to complete and send it to all the companies and agencies that are responsible.
Where are you going to report the crime? Do you have the knowledge that you need to fill out some forms for this kind of report? Where are you going to send them? 
You may report it to the police. However, you will not receive that advance action to the crime. There are special agencies that entertain crime like this. It will be discussed on the later part of the article.
You have to undergo many stages in order for you to clear your name. It can be the most difficult part, as you will be clearing the mess you did not do. It will take time for you to clear name and battle up with bureaucratic red tape.
There are many numbers of federal and state agencies that have jurisdiction, depending upon the type of crime committed. Federal Trade Commission has different agencies that can treat cases like identity theft issues, but you will still need to contact these agencies.
It will take time to clear out all the errors made to your name, that is why you need to start with the process as soon as you figure out the crime that was done in your identity. Start reporting the crime to the different agencies, companies, credit bureaus and investigators to process the clearing out or correcting the errors.
You should keep all the relevant files of all the contact and record all the relevant conversations and written correspondence. For you to have an easy and understood noting of these relevant data, you may need to make a chart of all of these including the date, agency, contact person, company and summary of all the information discussed.
Original copies and the send out copies must be kept carefully. It will be relevant in the investigation of the crime. You can also send them thru certified mail, return receipt requested. By this way, you will have the record of the date when the letters were received.
It may take time to clear out your name but you will get over it. You will start a new life full of confidence that you will never encounter crimes like this anymore.
Remember that patience and determination is the key to the resolution of this crime.
This information is only part of a collection of articles DidikTimer, hope is something that is beneficial to readers ReportingIdentity Theft.  
Please also check out my other guide on ProtectionIdentity Theft.

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